

Es un recurso terapéutico originado en Japón en 1973.

La cinta  trabaja junto con el cuerpo para mejorar la capacidad de curación de tendones lastimados, linfáticos colapsados, músculos cansados o débiles. La cinta adhesiva levanta la piel milimétricamente lo que mejora la circulación sanguínea y linfática.

También disminuye la presión sobre los receptores de dolor por lo que alivia en corto tiempo.

La persona que lo aplica debe obtener 3 grados de certificación para garantizar buenos resultados. Solo profesionales de la salud deben adquirir estas cintas y el resultado depende de la formación y de la experiencia de quien lo aplica.

La fundación Cochrane opina sobre el nivel de evidencia del uso de  taping.  Continue leyendo

Cochrane Summaries

Taping across the knee cap for adults with persistent pain at the front of the knee (patellofemoral pain)

Callaghan MJ, Selfe J

Published Online:

April 18, 2012

Pain at the front of the knee (also known as anterior knee pain or patellofemoral pain) is a common problem which particularly affects those who do some form of sport or exercise. Typically, it gets worse when going up and down stairs, squatting, kneeling and sitting with the knee bent. It is a distinct and separate condition from knee arthritis.

Such anterior knee pain is often treated by physiotherapists, who use a variety of techniques. One such technique is the use of a simple piece of adhesive tape across the knee cap to control the positioning of the knee-cap (patella) and potentially reduce the pain during movement.

The review found five trials, involving around 200 participants with this condition, which compared the clinical use of taping with no taping. All five studies differed from each other in terms of the type of participants (one trial involved army recruits), length and schedule of the treatment programme and assessment of outcome. In four trials, participants of both taping and no or placebo taping groups were prescribed exercises. In part because both the therapist and the patient knew whether they were getting taping, some caution was necessary in interpreting the study results. Pooled results from four trials (161 knees) for the level of pain at the end of the treatment programme (ranging for one week to three months) showed no difference between those given taping and those not. Data for other outcomes measuring function and activities of daily living were from single trials only and gave different results.

The review concluded that the currently available evidence from trials reporting clinically relevant outcomes is and low quality and insufficient to draw conclusions on the effects of taping. However, before further trials are conducted, some consensus is required to establish the typical patients, taping technique and the best way of measuring outcome.


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